So, my first real flash movie should be done very soon. I've been animating for years, but never done anything longer than about 10 seconds in flash, it's fairly new to me. I first started Animating when I was about 9 years old when I took the same animation class 8 times. Yes, exactly the same class. I have now recently been hired to teach that class. Funny how that works out sometimes. I have a webcomic, it's what this first movie is gonna be based on, but with more... plot... Check it out if you want, sometimes it sucks and for that I apologize, but many people I've showed it to have been pleasantly surprised to find it gave them a chuckle or two. I actually use flash to make it. The program's not really all that new to me, I just never use it to animate for some reason...
It seems like you might actually make some good flash. Good luck.